
BaZi Coaching – Testimony

I feel more in tune with myself and I can say today that I know what will be fulfilling for me. — N.L (Hong Kong)

“When I arrived in Hong Kong in July 2014, I was working with a French woman who introduced me to Geneviève, so I first discovered the benefits of Feng Shui through my colleague. I was very interested to experience Feng Shui in my own life as I always have liked the importance of traditions in Hong Kong ; meeting Geneviève was a great opportunity to discuss these subjects with a qualified master from France.

I contacted Geneviève for her to carry on a Feng Shui diagnosis of my godson’s bedroom, as he was facing sleep issues. Geneviève explained exactly the benefits of Feng Shui, how and why she advised to change the bedroom in a different layout and design.

A few months later, as I was getting more and more curious about Feng Shui, I reached a period in my life where I needed guidance in my career. Therefore, I asked Geneviève to carry out a BaZi analysis for me.

She did not bring anything new to me but I was stunned by the fact that her analysis was very precise and so close to reality, despite the fact that we never discussed any of those questions earlier together. Geneviève was able to draft the tree of my professional life and to emphasize my strengths and inner inspirations.

Our meeting did not change immediately my career since I wanted to take the time to think about it and let those ideas mature. It has been very reassuring to evolve with those conclusions as an asset.
I feel more in tune with myself and I can say today that I know what will be fulfilling for me. I hope to testify in a few months to share my feedbacks and comment about my new professional blooming life 😉 !

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